It’s Been a Hard Winter’s Night!
Unlike the past two Winters, this year we have experienced several prolonged periods of below freezing conditions. Many of these events have seen temperatures stay below 20 degrees for more than 24 hours straight. This is a cause for concern when it comes to some lawn grasses and many types of Ornamental trees and shrubs.
Lawn Grasses
St. Augustine
St. Augustine is less adapted to freezing temperatures, and more prone to Winter damage or freeze damage. This will generally occur in the weaker or more exposed areas of the lawn. Areas that are highly shaded, have poorly drainage, have high exposure to wind, or grass that is growing on a strong slope are all areas that can be susceptible as well.
Of course, the lawn is dormant now and if you have damage we will not know until the Early Spring when the lawn comes out of dormancy.
We will be keep an eye out for this kind of damage during Round 2.
Extreme winter cold usually does not effect a Bermuda grass lawn as it is more adapted to the climate here in Dallas.
In most cases the damage will repair itself with in weeks, but in more severe cases new sod or plugs will have to be installed. Aeration and Top Dressing is also used to repair these areas quicker. As always Simpler Greener will offer low cost repair options for our customers.
Ornamental Trees and Shrubs
Most of your tropicals are going to have a tough time this Winter. Palms, Oleanders, Azaleas, Ligustrums, Fruit trees, Hibiscus, and basically all flowering plant and bushes are going to suffer and may die completely due to the amount of cold we have had this year.
Of course, make sure your landscape gets a Spring fertilization which will certainly help any trees and shrubs to recover from Winter damage. It is also extremely important for all dead limbs and leaves to be removed so that the healing process can begin.
If you think you see Winter damage in your lawn or landscape, don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and call our office.