2017 First Round Applications Have Started
By David Bendele

Poa Annua


You might have already started seeing us around as we visit to apply our first round of pre-emergent for cool season weed control. This application will keep your lawns a beautiful, even beige as we treat for broad leaf weeds like henbit, dandelion, and thistle. We’ll also be treating for grassy weeds like winter rye, poa annua, and rescuegrass.
Is It Time To Scalp Your Lawn?
Not yet! This Winter has been unseasonably warm and that has meant that many plants have started budding and sprouting already. Your lawn might have even started showing signs of greening up, but if you can, wait to scalp your lawn. North Texas is known to get freezes as late as mid-March and removing all that winter coat too early leaves your young, new grass exposed to possible cold damage and weeds.
What If I Already Started Mowing?
If you’ve already started your summer mowing regimen, don’t worry! Our first round application is heavily focused on pre-emergent to help keep any weeds that might be trying to take advantage at bay. As the warmer weather becomes more stable, we’ll be working more fertilizer in our applications to help fill out your incoming summer lawn.
Ask Us Your Questions
If you see us around, feel free to ask us any questions you might have! As always, we’ll leave directions for any follow up lawn care steps and we look forward to helping to keep your lawn simply greener.