2016 Lawn Application Round 3

Yellow Nut Grass

Summer Weed Control
Summer is quickly approaching and that means it’s time to start planning for summer weed control and fertilization. Round 3 will see us applying a granular fertilization and treating for weeds that love heat and moisture, like nutgrass. If you are starting to see nutgrass or any other weeds showing up, please don’t hesitate to give us a call so we can make sure to treat them when we stop by!
This early warm weather has also meant that one of our most stubborn and problematic weeds has gotten an early start. Dallisgrass is a very common problem in North Texas and can often require extra applications to fully eliminate from your lawn. As part of Round 3, we’ll be treating for this problematic weed, but if your lawn has a high amount of Dallisgrass, we will contact you directly to talk about any additional treatments that might be needed to make sure your lawn is as healthy as it can be.
Our Best Tool For a Healthy Lawn
Every year, during Round 3, we distribute the Simply Greener Rain Gauge so you can calibrate your watering devices. Whether you have a sprinkler system or you simply water by hose, knowing exactly how much water you put on your lawn is very important.
As always, we’ll leave directions for any follow up lawn care steps and we look forward to helping to keep your lawn simply greener.